Home / Accessibility


At Radovljica Municipality Museums we strive to ensure access to cultural heritage to the widest possible audience. As it is our desire that everyone has access, we are continually improving accessibility and upgrading museum collections using a variety of adaptations and aids.

Access for People with Disabilities

The Museum of Apiculture and the Municipal Museum are accessible to people with disabilities. Both museums are located on the first floor of the exquisite Baroque manor in the old town centre of Radovljica. A lift provides access to the first floor of the manor, while all the gallery areas are wheelchair accessible.

Toilets for wheelchair visitors are accessible on the ground floor of the manor.

Blind and Partially Sighted People

Magnifying glasses are available at the reception area of the Museum of Apiculture and the Municipal Museum.

The Museum of Apiculture has numerous tactile objects, which enables blind and partially sighted visitors to learn about the most important museum exhibits and their stories. The museum also allows touching of selected original exhibits. The exhibition also features sound recordings and audio content.

A unique, tactile beehive frontal panel on a tablet computer is available (with a picture titled Lovčev pogreb (Hunter’s funeral)), which the Museum of Apiculture specially developed with the Slovenian company Feelif. Innovative technology of special tactile grid enables blind and partially sighted visitors to feel the picture on the beehive frontal panel through a combination of vibrations, sound and visual information.

The museum brochure in Braille is available at the following museums: Museum of Apiculture, Municipal Museum, Iron Forging Museum, Museum of Hostages. The Municipal Museum has a museum brochure in large print as well.

Deaf and Hard-on-hearing People

All of our museum units are accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing visitors, and, upon prior arrangement, guided tours can be organised in Slovenian sign language.

For groups with special needs special adaptations and multisensory guided tours can be organised of all our units. Since we strive to offer all visitors the best possible experience of a visit to our museums, we request that you inform us in advance of your needs and requirements so that we are able to fulfil your expectations as far as possible. For additional information and prior bookings, please contact:

Jerneja Jelovčan Koselj
Email: mro@mro.si
Phone: +386 45 32 05 20

All visitors with special needs, as well as their companions, have free entry.
Guide dogs are allowed.

Tipni predmeti za slepe in slabovidne. Foto: Marija Skodlar
Tactile objects for blind and partially sighted people. Foto credit: Marija Skodlar 
Tipna panjska končnica
Painted beehive frontal panel entitled Hunter’s Funeral; Animals Carry the Hunter to the Funeral on touchscreen device that allows the blind to feel the picture.
Guided tour in Slovenian sign language. Foto credit: Marija Skodlar